sometimes better luaran je kafir tapi dalaman islam berbanding sebaliknya... klik imej.

sometimes better luaran je kafir tapi dalaman islam berbanding sebaliknya... klik imej.
bila si badot bersuara selepas world cup 2010, sometimes better luaran je kafir tapi dalaman islam berbanding sebaliknya & jepun/korea pun simbol agama jugak... klik imej. so apa kes jika penaja tuh firma judi, gay/lesbo, pelacuran, syarikat daging babi bukan hanya arak? yang penting adalah niat sebab kalau pakai songkok cam ngah gadot tapi munafik, apa barang!

Friday, June 24, 2011

jihad pena la ni... amnesty agen yahudi... hati2 semua! lu tak mau masuk islam, jangan suruh orang islam jadi kapir lak DAN jika lu tak suka islam, jadilah murtad berbanding lu ajak orang sama anti islam, cara?

Thursday, June 23, 2011

biar putih tulang...

date Fri, Jun 24, 2011 at 9:35 AM
subject jilat bontot jew, sedap...
hide details 9:35 AM (1 minute ago)

Sunday, June 12, 2011

hari zina sedunia... klik imej.

Debunking sexual myths


BATHING or showering after sex is an effective form of contraception, and the "withdrawal method" is a sure bet when wanting to avoid pregnancy -- shockingly, that's what most of our sexually active youth believe.

Most of them are not very familiar with the different contraceptive options available, and were reported to be part of the group that viewed contraception preparation to be "not so important" compared with other countries within the region.

These results were revealed by the "Contraception: Whose responsibility is it anyway?" survey, which was carried out between April and May last year.

During the survey, a total of 5,253 interviews were conducted among 5,000 young people aged between 15 and 24 across Asia Pacific, Europe, North America and Latin America. In Malaysia, 200 youths aged between 18 and 21 participated.

The survey was supported by a coalition of 10 international organisations with an interest in sexual health and the Youth Task Force, a group of young people from around the world.

The results highlighted a significant disconnect between young people's attitudes to accepting responsibility for contraception.

Prof Dr Jamiyah Hassan, an obstetrics and gynaecology senior consultant at University Malaya Medical Centre, believes that many Malaysian youth are misguided because of various myths surrounding the topic.

"Most of the youth I have seen who've had unplanned pregnancy are very naive about the outcome of unprotected sex, especially females. There's a lot of myths and pressure from peers to conform to a certain behaviour, which is deemed to be the 'norm'.

"For instance, some youngsters believe that showering after sex will prevent pregnancy. This is completely false as good sperms will reach the uterine cavity within minutes and all you need is one sperm to fertilise the ovum to get pregnant.

"There are some other common myths that I've heard throughout the years, like having sex one week before mid-cycle -- the 'safe' period -- will avoid pregnancy. This theory is also unfounded.

"Another myth is that if you douche immediately after sex, you'll avoid pregnancy. Of course, this is false as sperms are very smart, they swim much, much faster.

"Some youths also believe that if you have sex while the woman stands up, the sperm does not swim up. Let's clear this up; the sperm swims up through the secretions in the vagina and also the seminal fluid. Some ejaculation may trickle out from the vagina but again, many millions would have already swam up.

"Heavy petting, ejaculating out of the vagina or with underwear on will not keep pregnancy at bay. I have seen pregnancy in young girls who've had heavy petting but no penetration at all."

She said our society definitely had a problem with this matter and would need to increase awareness of reproductive health, especially contraception.

"Despite the fact that almost 80 per cent of respondents from this region believe they are responsible for contraception, it is worrying that 47 per cent of sexually active young people admit to having had sex without contraception.

"I believe this contradictory behaviour stems from a psychological concept known as 'personal fable', which proposes that teenagers believe that they are special and unique and that nothing bad will happen to them.

"This explains why teenagers are often focused on the present, with little consideration of the long-term consequences of their behaviour, future plans and personal values. Teenagers may think that having sex without contraception is fine because the consequences 'will never happen to me'," said Charis Wong, counselling psychologist and US licensed marriage and family therapist associate.

Federation of Reproductive Health Association's family planning and reproductive health officer Kalpana Devi Rajantran said that it was worrying that more and more youth were seeking advice on abortions.

"One just has to look at the situation and realise that our society is facing a problem which is getting worse. In my opinion, kids are getting involved in sexual acts at a much younger age than before, and they are seeking help to terminate pregnancy because they can't handle it.

"Many of them are misguided by their own peers who feed them wrong information about contraception. Many find themselves in a fix when they get pregnant and aren't able to get help.

"Youth need to know that there isn't a 100 per cent foolproof method of contraception. Although condoms are the safest options, if you don't use it properly and consistently, you might get pregnant."

Tania Boler of Marie Stopes International, an NGO supporter of World Contraception Day, said: "What is clear from this new data is that much work still needs to be done about the number of young people using contraception, especially if we want to reduce the number of adolescent unwanted pregnancies by 2015, which is an indicator for Millennium Development Goal 5 - improve maternal health."

Read more: Debunking sexual myths

Saturday, June 11, 2011

bekas al arqam tak layak tubuh NGO... otherwise memalukan islam jer!? repot polis terhadap GISB?!

Al-Arqam still active under different guises

By Hariz Mohd

One of Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd’s operation centres in Bandar Country Homes in Rawang. Many of its members are seen conducting their businesses and congregational activities at a small field in the township.
KUALA LUMPUR: Al-Arqam, the banned religious movement, is still active, with more than 5,000 members throughout the country and operating under different names.
Currently led by its late founder Ashaari Muhammad's wife, Khadijah Aam, authorities believe its members are still aggressive in spreading the movement's aurad muhammadiah doctrine.

The doctrine was declared a deviant by the Federal Government in 1994, leading to the ban.

Jakim director-general Othman Mustapha said its members and their activities were being monitored not only by Jakim but also the state religious departments and other enforcement agencies.

"Although they are trying to evade detection by changing the name several times, we know for a fact that the movement is still very much alive. It is the same Al-Arqam."

He said the group was first found trying to revive the movement under the name Rufaqa but later changed it after they were detected by the authorities.

"When Al-Arqam was banned, they had about 10,000 members nationwide and we had to spent a substantial amount of money to bring them back to the true teachings of Islam.

"We held continuous programmes for them, with the help of state religious departments," he told the New Straits Times yesterday.

"However, there is still a large number of them who are still adamant and continue to practise its teachings. They have been found to be very active in recruiting new members and spreading the doctrine.

"From information gathered, we found that they now have at least 5,000 active members nationwide and the latest, we found that they have registered the movement as Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd.

"Despite all the different names, they are still the very same Al-Arqam."

Othman said initial investigations showed that its members were detected in almost all the states, including Selangor.

"Since Al-Arqam's ban, religious authorities have been keeping surveillance on its ex-members' activities to ensure that the group is not revived.

"Once we gather all the proof and confirmation, we will move in," he said.

Al-Arqam was one of the biggest Islamic non-government organisations in the 1990s.

Its members were active in spreading the doctrine through religious activities until they were declared a deviant group by the National Fatwa Council.

Ashaari had claimed that he was a prophet and predicted that he would be the prime minister after former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.

Read more: Al-Arqam still active under different guises

masitah lak suruh zina... ke reverse psycho nih?

Gaga nasihat peminat remaja hindar amalan seks bebas

HOLLYWOOD: Penyanyi Lady Gaga menasihati peminat remajanya supaya tidak mengamalkan seks bebas.

Gaga ingin peminatnya mengekalkan kesucian mereka hingga mereka benar-benar yakin untuk melakukan hubungan intim. Penyanyi lagu hit ‘Born This Way’ itu mengakui dia pernah mengamalkan seks bebas ketika zaman remajanya. Bukan saja itu, malah dia juga pernah mengadakan hubungan intim bersama kaum sejenis. Namun, Gaga tidak mahu peminatnya mengikut jejaknya.

“Saya fikir remaja perlu menunggu hingga mereka benar-benar yakin untuk melakukan seks,” katanya sebagaimana dipetik dalam Showbiz Spy, semalam.

Di sebalik nasihat itu, wanita kelahiran 28 Mac 1986 itu menganggap seks bahagian terpenting dalam hidupnya selepas muzik. Penyanyi yang sudah merakamkan tiga album itu menyifatkan seks boleh menjadi inspirasi kepada sesetengah orang. - Agensi

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

pakai tudung pun nampak bentuk tetek lagi mau jual agama demi dunia... klik imej.

Mashitah selar suami peralat isteri


KANGAR: Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim, menyelar segelintir suami yang menjadikan isteri semata-mata tempat melepaskan nafsu seks tanpa memikirkan kepentingan hidup berkeluarga.

Katanya, perkahwinan yang digalakkan oleh Islam adalah untuk menjamin keutuhan hidup suami isteri dan membentuk keluarga yang bahagia dengan kedua-dua suami isteri sama-sama memegang tanggungjawab terhadap keluarga dan anak-anak.
"Justeru jangan ada di kalangan suami yang cuba mengabui pemahaman isteri kononnya satu pengorbanan bagi mereka dengan jaminan masuk syurga jika membenarkan suami berkahwin lain," katanya.
Beliau berkata demikian kepada pemberita selepas majlis perasmian Simposium Wanita peringkat negeri oleh Raja Perempuan Perlis Tuanku Fauziah Tengku Abdul Rashid di Dewan 2020 di sini hari ini sempena Ulang Tahun Keputeraan Ke-68 Raja Perlis.

Mashitah yang juga seorang daripada panel simposium itu berkata, adalah tidak wajar seseorang suami meletakkan isteri mereka sebagai "pelacur terhormat" sedangkan taat setia tidak boleh diletakkan kepada isteri sahaja sebaliknya suami juga perlu mempunyai sikap taat setia kepada isteri mereka.

Beliau menyifatkan perbuatan sedemikian tidak boleh dibiarkan kerana isteri akan terus teraniaya sedangkan apa yang lebih penting adalah jaminan masa depan keluarga dan anak-anak, bukan semata-mata memuaskan nafsu seks seseorang suami.

"Dalam rumah tangga memang menjadi tanggungjawab isteri melayan suami tetapi jangan pula seseorang suami mengambil kesempatan daripada layanan baik isteri mereka hingga sanggup mempergunakan isteri tersebut untuk memuaskan hawa nafsu sendiri," katanya. - BERNAMA

'Club veered from requirement of Islam on issue of sex'


On the same subject, Mashitah said the club had veered from the requirement of Islam on the issue of marital sex as Muslim couples should keep a veil of secrecy over their conjugal acts.

She added that lessons on sexual matters were never a priority for Muslims couples as it was taboo to talk about it openly.

"We have to remember that even blind couples know how to fulfil their sexual needs without watching pornographic videos as learning aids."

She said the club appeared to hold a populist view to seek attention by advocating that wives should treat their husbands "like a first-class prostitute".

OWC international president Dr Rohaya Mohamed had said on Saturday that the club's philosophy was based on the teachings of Prophet Muhammad, which should be put into practice.

"Like polygamy, we realise people will be doubtful. But we are proof that it works but only if we follow closely the teachings of God.

"It was practised effectively by (the late Al-Arqam founder) Ashaari Mohamed and his children," she had said.

Read more: 'Club veered from requirement of Islam on issue of sex'

Saturday, June 4, 2011

fitnah dunia... klik imej.

Kecam isteri ibarat pelacur
Oleh Matzidi Dris, Nazura Ngah, Faizatul Farhana Farush Khan dan Sani Kamarudzaman

Kenyataan Dr Rohaya jatuh imej Islam, nafi hak wanita dalam perkahwinan

KUALA LUMPUR: Kenyataan Naib Presiden Kelab Isteri Taat, Dr Rohaya Mohamed yang mengingatkan golongan isteri supaya patuh dan melayan suami seperti `pelacur kelas pertama’ terus dikecam pelbagai pihak yang melihatnya sebagai cubaan menjatuhkan imej Islam dan menafikan hak wanita dalam perkahwinan.

Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim yang melihat kenyataan itu sebagai usaha merendahkan martabat wanita Islam meminta Pendaftar Pertubuhan meneliti semula pendaftaran kelab berkenaan yang disifatkan menimbulkan rasa tidak senang wanita Islam.

Really? Would this help prevent husbands from straying and curb social ills? Or is this club an insult to women and humanity?
11 hours ago · · ·

'Serve husbands like first-class prostitutes'

By Rozanna Latiff
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KUALA LUMPUR: A wife must obey and serve her husband like "a first-class prostitute" to keep him from straying and to prevent greater social ills, according to the Obedient Wives' Club.

The Malaysian branch of the club, launched here yesterday, was formed as an answer to social problems such as infidelity, prostitution, domestic violence and abandoned babies, which its members believed stemmed from a lack of belief in God and the failure of women to keep their husbands content.

OWC international vice-president Dr Rohaya Mohamed said women often forget their "wifely duties", including pleasuring their husbands in the bedroom.

"There is a perception in our society today that a wife's duties include being a good cook, cleaner and mother, but there is less emphasis on sexual matters. We are here to change that perception.

"A man married to a woman who is as good or better than a prostitute in bed has no reason to stray," she told reporters after the launch.

Rohaya said the club, currently open to women of all faiths and races, conducted seminars on how to be a good wife and provided individuals and couples with counselling sessions on sustaining their marriage.

It also offered training and sex advice to those who needed them.

"Women who fail to fulfil their husband's needs leave their marriage open to breakdowns. So many men now have girlfriends, mistresses and visit prostitutes.

"A man's appetite, which is greater than women's, cannot be denied. And rather than allowing him to sin, a woman must do all she can to ensure his desires are met."

The OWC's existence has sparked controversy among local women's groups such as Sisters in Islam who have charged the club with perpetuating a culture of women-blaming and male chauvinism.

In defence, Rohaya said the OWC's core beliefs were based on a desire to follow the teachings of Islam.

"We are not blaming women for prostitution or divorce, as we believe God-fearing men would never patronise brothels, or abuse their wives.

"Both sides must fulfil their duties."

Asked on the limits of a woman's loyalty to men who continued to cheat or shirked their duties as husbands, she said a woman should always remain faithful as God's fairness will ensure that she will be rewarded.

"A woman only has to fulfil four conditions to gain entry to heaven: conduct her daily prayers, fast during the holy month of Ramadan, protect her dignity and be obedient to her husband.

"Like Asiah, the wife of the pharaoh, who remained obedient to her husband throughout her life and who eventually went to heaven while he was punished."

The OWC already has 1,000 members worldwide, with 800 in Malaysia.

Founded by Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd, an off-shoot of the now defunct Islamic religious movement Al-Arqam, OWC was first launched in Jordan on May 1 while a third branch will open in Jakarta, Indonesia on June 19.

The organisation also plans to open branches in Europe, including in London and Rome in the future.

Rohaya admitted that the club's practices and beliefs would find difficulty gaining support in Western countries but said she welcomed the criticism and controversy.

"Everyone has the freedom to voice their opinion as long as they keep their minds open to discussions and different ways of thinking," she said.

The OWC was launched yesterday along with a mass wedding ceremony, involving 10 couples.

Police and Jais monitoring group

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KUALA LUMPUR: Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd (GISB), which was founded by former members of deviant group Al-Arqam, is being monitored by authorities after they were found to have revived the sect's activities.

Sources from the police and the Selangor Religious Department when contacted yesterday confirmed that they were monitoring the company's activities and intelligence gathered showed that the group was still continuing with Al-Arqam's teachings.

"The group is being monitored by Jais' officers. From information gathered, the group is still active but operating under different names.

"We have found that the group is conducting its activities under the name of Rufaqa and Global Ikhwan, and is active in Petaling Jaya and Shah Alam," a Jais official said.

A source from Bukit Aman police also confirmed the group is continuing with its activities.

Women's groups criticise club's aims


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PUTRAJAYA: Women groups and politicians have criticised the club formed to reform disobedient wives who are accused to be the root of social ills.

Women, Family and Community Development Minister Datuk Seri Shahrizat Abdul Jalil said husbands and wives are independent agents responsible for their own actions and it was not the incapacity of women "to obey, serve and entertain" that led to the existence of social ills.

"To hinge fidelity, domestic violence and the fulfilment of a husband's responsibilities purely on a wife's capacity to be obedient, stimulate sexual arousal and prepare food is not only demeaning to wives, but to husbands as well."

While the aim to form clubs to improve oneself should not be discouraged, such a simplistic rationale as that promoted by Obedient Wives' Club was void of an accurate understanding of today's realities, where women are empowered individuals with hopes, dreams and aspirations of their own, she added.

Shahrizat was commenting on a report that Global Ikwan Sdn Bhd, an off-shoot of the banned Al-Arqam movement, had set up the club to help "improve" wives.

Puteri Umno chief Datuk Rosnah Abdul Rashid Shirlin said domestic problems which subsequently led to social ills could not be blamed solely on women.

"There is no need to form such a club.

"It is better for Global Ikhwan to think up better measures to sort out domestic problems."

Sisters in Islam (SIS) considers the formation of the club to be another manifestation of "persistent women-blaming for divorces and sexual assault".

Its acting executive director, Ratna Osman, said research showed that domestic violence happened regardless of a woman's perceived behaviour.

"Abusive men often use women's behaviour as a sick justification but, in the end, their actions are their responsibility."

Ratna said that Prophet Muhammad was well known to have treated his wives well and even helped with housework, while the concept of nusyuz (disobedience) is used for both women and men in the Quran and, therefore, it cannot be assumed to actually mean a woman's disobedience to her husband, as is often the case in codified Muslim family laws.

All Women's Action Society said the suggestion that happy husbands would not abuse wives shows a "lack of understanding towards causes of violence".

Acting president Ho Yock Lin said the club made women sex objects and encouraged husbands to treat wives as sex slaves.

Kelab Taat Suami galak poligami
Oleh Nazura Ngah dan Norliza Wasilan

Isteri dikhuatiri dipaksa patuh demi kepentingan peribadi: Mashitah

KOTA BHARU: Orang ramai perlu menghalusi asas penubuhan Kelab Taat Suami diwujudkan kalangan isteri berpoligami daripada Global Ikhwan Sdn Bhd yang dikaitkan dengan kumpulan al-Arqam.
Lebih membimbangkan, tegas Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri, Datuk Dr Mashitah Ibrahim, istilah taat itu boleh disalahertikan sehinggakan isteri dipaksa patuh kepada suami demi kepentingan peribadi, termasuk keinginannya berkahwin ramai.
“Saya tidak menentang poligami sebab itu hukum Allah tetapi perlu dibuat mengikut lunas ditetapkan agama. Kita kena lihat siapa ambil inisiatif gerakkan kelab ini dan asal usulnya yang memang isteri poligami daripada Global Ikhwan iaitu kumpulan Arqam terdahulu yang mengumpulkan isteri supaya taat.

“Kenyataan mereka lebih kepada tujuan ajak orang masuk kelab...hari ini dia kata wanita perlu pakai seksi (depan suami), dulu kata wanita perlu layan suami seperti pelacur. Saya pun tak faham jika ada wanita yang berstoking dan tudung labuh di rumah sebab di rumahlah wanita berpakaian yang terbaik.

“Saya bimbang istilah taat itu disalahertikan...nanti suami minta isteri pinangkan isteri nombor dua. Kalau tidak, nanti tak taat, kalau tak kahwin lagi satu nanti jadi maksiat,” katanya selepas merasmikan Mesyuarat Perwakilan Pergerakan Puteri UMNO Bahagian Kota Bharu Ke-10 2011 di Dewan Sekolah Menengah Tanjung Chat, di sini, semalam.

Beliau mengulas laporan kenyataan Presiden Kelab Taat Suami Malaysia, Fauziah Ariffin, semalam yang mengakui beliau memenuhi keperluan batin suaminya dengan berpakaian menarik dan seksi yang juga cara terbaik memberi layanan kepada suami. Sebelum ini, kenyataan Naib Presidennya, Dr Rohaya Mohamed, mengingatkan isteri supaya melayan suami seperti ‘pelacur kelas pertama’ mendapat kecaman pelbagai pihak termasuk Dr Mashitah yang mahu Pendaftar Pertubuhan meneliti semula kelulusan pendaftaran kelab itu.
Sementara itu di KUALA LUMPUR, pelbagai pihak mahukan kerajaan memantau kelab itu dan kenyataan pemimpinnya bagi mengelak perkembangan ajaran dan fahaman sesat berikutan kelab itu diasaskan bekas pengikut al-Arqam.

Naib Presiden Hal Ehwal Wanita (HELWA) Angkatan Belia Islam Malaysia (ABIM), Fadhlina Siddiq, berkata ketiadaan pemantauan oleh kerajaan memberi peluang kepada pihak tertentu mengembangkan ajaran dan fahaman sesat di negara ini.

Beliau sendiri yang turut ditawarkan keahlian Kelab Taat Suami berkata, tidak sewajarnya institusi perkahwinan disamakan dengan perkhidmatan seks pelacur.

“Tidak selayaknya pelacur disamakan tarafnya dengan seorang isteri dan ketaatan seorang isteri tidak seharusnya diukur kemampuan seksnya kepada suami,” katanya ketika dihubungi di sini, semalam.

Pengerusi Lembaga Kebajikan Perempuan Islam Selangor, Datin Paduka Rakibah Abd Manap, berkata, golongan isteri tidak perlukan kelab itu bagi memberi bimbingan kerana ia boleh mengelirukan.

Isteri tak perlu kelab jaga suami
Oleh Nazura Ngah

Ketaatan bukan hanya ditempat tidur: Salih

KUALA LUMPUR: “Isteri tidak memerlukan mana-mana kelab untuk menunjukkan ketaatan mereka kepada suami kerana mentaati suami adalah perintah Allah semata-mata untuk mendapat keredaan-Nya,” kata pelawak dan pengacara, Salih Yaacob.
Beliau yang baru kembali daripada bercuti di Beijing, selepas mengahwini isteri keempat, Samihah Sheikh Amy, 25, akhir bulan lalu, berkata isteri hanya diwajibkan untuk mentaati suami selagi suami tidak melanggar akidah, akhlak dan syariat Islam.
Malah katanya, ketaatan kepada suami juga bukan hanya di tempat tidur semata-mata kerana nikmat kasih sayang dalam perkahwinan akan dirasai jika Allah reda dengan pasangan yang melaksanakan perintah-Nya.

“Walaupun isteri adalah hak mutlak suami, haram untuk suami mengadakan hubungan kelamin jika tidak mendapat keredaan daripada isteri kerana golongan Hawa dilahirkan bukan sekadar untuk menjadi tempat golongan Adam memuaskan nafsu mereka.

“Jika ada kelab yang ditubuhkan untuk mengawal tindak tanduk isteri, dibimbangi mereka yang menyertai kelab itu akan lebih mengikut peraturan dan garis panduan ditetapkan kelab berkenaan, sekali gus meminggirkan tuntutan al-Quran dan as-Sunnah,” katanya kepada Berita Minggu, semalam.

Beliau mengulas kenyataan Presiden Kelab Taat Suami cawangan Malaysia, Fauziah Ariffin yang mengakui memenuhi keperluan batin suaminya dengan berpakaian menarik dan seksi yang juga cara terbaik memberi layanan kepada suami.
Sebelum ini Naib Presiden Kelab Taat Suami, Dr Rohaya Mohamed mengingatkan isteri supaya melayan suami seperti `pelacur kelas pertama’ mendapat kecaman pelbagai pihak.

Salih yang mengecam kenyataan menyamakan isteri dengan pelacur berkata penubuhan Kelab Taat Suami dan kenyataan pemimpin kelab itu akan memberi persepsi negatif terhadap golongan yang mengamalkan poligami sepertinya, sekali gus mengundang tanggapan tidak baik masyarakat.

Beliau yang pernah ditawarkan untuk menyertai Persatuan Poligami iaitu persatuan yang difahamkan ada kaitan dengan Kelab Taat Suami berkata kehidupan berpoligami bersama empat isteri bukan berlandaskan kepada nafsu semata-mata sebaliknya kerana kehendak dan keizinan Allah untuk beliau berbuat demikian.

“Saya tidak mengambil sebarang ubat-ubatan atau makanan tambahan untuk menaikkan nafsu syahwat, sebaliknya nafsu saya timbul daripada hati dan niat yang bersih kerana Allah yang membenarkan dan memberikan modal untuk saya menyampaikan nafkah zahir dan batin, barulah isteri dapat mentaati Allah dan suami dengan akidah, iman dan keyakinan,” katanya.

Katanya, perkahwinan yang dibina bersama empat isteri terutama isteri yang baru dikahwininya tidak berlaku secara sengaja kerana ia bukan bermula atas dasar cinta sesama manusia tetapi kerana cinta mereka kepada Allah.

Polis siasat Kelab Taat Suami

PENDANG: Polis menyiasat dakwaan mengaitkan Kelab Taat Suami yang diwujudkan di kalangan isteri berpoligami, sama ada mempunyai kaitan dengan kumpulan al-Arqam dalam usaha meniupkan kembali ajaran kumpulan terbabit kepada rakyat di negara ini.

Menteri Dalam Negeri, Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Hussein, berkata sehingga kini pihaknya belum menerima laporan penubuhan Kelab Taat Suami itu mampu menjejaskan keselamatan negara.

Katanya, sesiapa saja termasuk pertubuhan itu yang melanggar undang-undang, tidak akan terlepas daripada dikenakan tindakan.

“Saya terima laporan tetapi belum lihat ia (kelab Taat Suami) boleh jejaskan keselamatan negara.

“Jika kumpulan ini kita dapati melanggar udang-undang atau lebih serius lagi menjejaskan keselamatan negara, saya percaya polis tidak akan teragak-agak untuk mengambil tindakan.

“Saya juga minta kalau (Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri) Datuk Mashitah (Ibrahim) jika ada maklumat mengenai perkara ini supaya menyalurkan kepada kita,” katanya selepas merasmikan mesyuarat UMNO Bahagian Pendang di Kompleks Paya Mak Inson di sini, semalam.

Beliau berkata demikian mengulas laporan akhbar kelmarin yang meminta orang ramai memperhalusi asas penubuhan Kelab Taat Suami yang diwujudkan isteri berpoligami daripada Global Ikhwan yang dikaitkan dengan kumpulan al-Arqam.

Friday, June 3, 2011

benda buruk dihebah2kan media padahal perjuangan menyinarkan lagi islam...

Bangga hilang dara

Oleh Muhd Izawan Baharin dan Mior Azlan Kamarulbaid
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KUALA LUMPUR: Pengakuan ‘berani mati’ seorang remaja perempuan berusia 14 tahun yang berbangga kehilangan dara di blog miliknya menyebabkan dia dikecam hebat pengguna Internet sejak beberapa hari lalu.

Remaja itu dipercayai memaparkan pengakuan beraninya di blog pada Disember 2010, namun baru-baru ini secara tiba-tiba popular apabila tulisannya diulas beberapa blog lain selain laman sosial facebook dan twitter.

Menerusi tulisan blognya, remaja itu mendedahkan dia pernah melakukan hubungan seks dan pengakuannya itu adalah satu kejujuran. Malah, dia juga tidak kisah dengan tanggapan orang lain.

Malah akaun khusus facebook turut dibuka pihak tertentu untuk memberi maklum balas, sebahagian besar mengecamnya, namun ada juga memihak kepada remaja itu.

Pada mulanya, remaja Melayu yang mendakwa tinggal di Puchong berani membalas kecaman yang dilemparkan kepadanya dan bersikap tidak mempedulikan ratusan komen negatif pembaca.

Bagaimanapun, dia akhirnya memadam pengakuan beraninya itu kelmarin, mungkin akibat tertekan. Harian Metro cuba menghubungi remaja itu menggunakan facebook dan twitter, tetapi gagal.